Monday, December 7

The Weekend...

I'll start the post by saying I'm not reading anything new.  I've been picking up favorites and reading bits and pieces.  Nothing's been read start to finish in probably a week.  And believe me it's not because the TBR pile is empty.

But I had a lovely weekend despite my lack of reading interest.
  • Saturday was our school's annual Tricky Tray event, which I describe as an upscale penny social.  My sister and I go every year and enjoy spending time together, even if we don't win anything.  She was quite happy with the wine basket she won (it featured her favorite Merlot).  

  • It snowed all day Saturday and into Saturday night, we woke up to a winter wonderland Sunday morning.  I love late fall and early spring snow, it sticks to trees and creates a beautiful snowy world.
  • We bought our Christmas tree on Sunday.  Right now it's leaning against the side of the house, we wont actually move it into the house until next weekend.  We like our trees to last until Little Christmas in January.
I still have decorating to finish and boxes to put away.  It'll all get done this week and hopefully my reading mojo will come back this week too.

Have a great day and happy reading.

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