Thursday, July 12

It's going to be a Jane Austin et al and a few other classics summer

Book Cover
Last week while visiting my local B&N I picked up British Chick Lit author Alexandra Potter's Me and Mr. Darcy. I thought I had ordered it through my local bookstore but realized I hadn't and I definitely wanted to read it. Way back when Maili was still part of the romance reading on-line community she recommended Alexandra Potter and she's been a favorite ever since. I'm about half way through the book and am enjoying it immensely.

Book CoverBook CoverWhen my husband left for work this morning I discovered a DHL delivery on my front porch--two books from Source Books that I was asked to review. The first is Old Friends and New Fancies, An Imaginary Sequel to the Novels of Jane Austen originally written in 1913, the cover claims to be "the first Jane Austen sequel ever created" by Sybil G. Brinton. The other book is Letters from Pemberley by Jane Dawkins, this one is written in letter format (which is probably obvious by the title :) I'm looking forward to both.
Book Cover

Thoughts of these "tribute" books got me thinking about the original, which sent me looking for my complete works of Jane Austen, and I've put that on the TBR pile too. I think I'll work my way through the entire book, not just P&P.

Book CoverBook CoverWhile I was looking for my Jane Austen book I found my old worn out copies of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Shakespeare's Four Great Comedies. So, I put them on the TBR pile too. I don't think I've reread Jane Eyre in 15+ years and haven't picked up the Shakespeare in 7 or 8 years.

I'm not sure what I want to read next, but it probably wont be something I'll find in RT.


Rosie said...

Wow, that's quite a summer reading program you have going there. I haven't read any Jane Austen since I read SENSE AND SENSIBILITY when the movie came out. I've jotted down Alexandra Potter's name. I'm gonna check her out. Always like to get new stuff.

BTW, I hope to have the enchilada recipe up for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

carrie bebis
mr and mrs darcy series
1 pride and prescience
2 suspense and sensiblity

i just saw the old bbc 1996 PP miniseries it was so much better than the movie of PP 2005 in terms of story and dialogue and plots. miniseries had more gorgouse clothes and music. but the movie had the best setting and building and maybe charcterization? mm mamx

CindyS said...

I'm just glad my reading mojo is coming back so I'll try and not force it into heavy thought ;) Shakespeare was so hard for me to understand when we read it. I didn't get the jokes and I just didn't get it. It wasn't until I decided (in university no less) to rent the BBC version of The Taming of the Shrew that it gelled. I couldn't stop laughing.

Then came Kenneth Braunagh's (dang can't remember the title) but it was brilliant and as long as I could keep up with their accents I was able to follow the humour.

That was my way of saying I would rent a bunch of Shakespeare plays ;)

So are you off of romance right now?


Tara Marie said...

Rosie, Mmmm... enchiladas yum.

I haven't read Jane Austen in years, so I think it's time.

Mamx, I have the BBC version on tape but still haven't seen the 2005 movie version. I really need to rent it.

Cindy, So are you off of romance right now? I don't think so. On some level Jane Austen is romance. And I'm sure I'll be reading "romance" in between, I'd probably burn myself out if all I read were classics :)