Friday, May 18

So Bad It's Good...

After a few loops around blog and review land, I've discovered there are some really "bad" books out there. I've posted about this in the past. Bad books are so tempting.

And once again, I'm left pondering "Can they really be that bad?"...

Ben's Wildflower is the only one truly tempting me. Can it be so bad it's good?


Holly said...

I don't read LF anymore (she gets on my nerves!) but I've read the LM book, and while it's not the best book I've EVAH read, it isn't nearly as bad as the SB's made it out to be. Seriously.

Bev (BB) said...

I've read Causing Havoc and enjoyed it. Not wildly but it wasn't bad. About the same as some of her other contemporaries but that might be part of the issue. Her books can be an acquired taste.

Rosie said...

And once again, I'm left pondering "Can they really be that bad?" Whew! I'm not the only one then? I frequently find myself pondering that one.

LF is hit or miss for me.

I agree with Holly on the Lucy Monroe book.

Let us know if you try BEN'S WILDFLOWR. I have to admit that the reviews Karen and DA gave it only made me curious.

Tara Marie said...

Holly, I've never liked LF, and have only read one LM and didn't like it so I figured I'd be passing on them anyway. I'll have to think about it.

Bev, Her books can be an acquired taste. One I never acquired :P

Rosie, see that we are not alone :D

I'll probably order Ben's Wildflower, it's just too tempting--LOL.

CindyS said...

My problem is my memory. I'll be in the bookstore and see a title and think 'hey, I know that one! Wait. Who reviewed it? Was it a keeper or a dud?' Too bad I stopped making the kind of notes I made years ago.


Anonymous said...

Read it!!!! I heard that Ms. Lynne made a good deal of money off the controversy. More power to her. LOL.

Wendy said...

I'm willing to believe the Foster book is that bad - but only because I have serious issues with her plots. I find them patently absurd. That said, I'm going to try an experiment with her. I read a short story that didn't annoy the heck out of me - so I'm wondering if she's one of those authors that work for me in novellas but not so much in full-length novel form.

ReneeW said...

I gave up on LF a while back after reading Never Too Much. It had no plot that I could tell. Reviews are so subjective, aren't they? Sometimes you just have to take a chance.

Tara Marie said...

Cindy, my memory isn't that shot yet--LOL, I usually can remember good or bad, but not necessarily where I heard it. :D

Jane, I probably will, but I hate paying good money for something I already know is "bad". :)

Wendy, That said, I'm going to try an experiment with her. I read a short story that didn't annoy the heck out of me - so I'm wondering if she's one of those authors that work for me in novellas but not so much in full-length novel form.

If it works let me know, out of all of the books I've read by her only one novella worked for me, so maybe we're alike in this :)

Renee, I would try her books off and on because so many people loved them, but I couldn't figure out what all the raving was about.

Reviews really are subject, what doesn't work for one is inevitably a keeper for someone else. :)

Kate said...

heck yeah. One of my favorite romance reading memories ever was drinking most of a bottle of wine with a friend and then taking turns reading a Connie Mason aloud. That was some quality time.

Ann Aguirre said...

I have Ben's Wildflower, and I agree with Jane / Karen. It's not so bad it's good (per Mrs. G). It's just bad.