When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes--Desiderius Erasmus...
A room without books is like a body without a soul--Cicero...
You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend--Paul Sweeney...
Monday, May 14
Wendy, The Super Librarian tagged me for the Thinking Blogger award, which is rather funny considering most days I feel somewhat clueless. :)
I'm going to spread the "Thinking" joy and tag 5 more bloggers that always make me think and entertain at the same time...
Oooh, you made someone think. I hope it didn't sting them too badly. :D
Oh dear. I don't believe I'm much of a thinker. In fact my mind is pretty numb. LOL
As for you being clueless - hardly! You have some of the best book discussions on your blog. Yeah. You definitely make us think. :o)
Jen, you always make me think and remind me what a good wife and mother is supposed to be :)
You're too kind. Seriously! WAAAAAY too kind. LOL
But thank you for the very sweet compliment. :o)
Thanks, Tara!
I did my thingy, too.
I thought, even!
Me? 'K, Tara, s'bout time to put the crack pipe down. ;-)
Can I reciprocate? I'm always checking your blog because you always have such interesting posts/topics.
btw, my verification word is 'eemofck'. Think about that! lmao.
Jen, not too kind, you're a good reminder that life at times is filled with reality checks--thanks.
Megan, only another SAHM could appreciate our chaos, how is it possible with only one child?
Jaye, we've the same reading taste and you keep me completely entertained with bad jokes :D
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