Wednesday, November 9

The Music of the Night by Lydia Joyce

Lydia Joyce has an amazing writing voice, so different from anyone else writing historical romance that at times she is shocking and refreshing at the same time. The Music of the Night is a rare gem in historical romances, a sophisticated adult romance.

I picked this out of the AAR review:

...I think some readers accustomed to the lighter and far less complex general run of historical romances today may find the book a tad overwritten. But, this, fellow readers, is how it’s supposed to be – complicated, challenging, sexy, and altogether adult.

There is so much going on in this book, I'm afraid to comment too much, simply put the story is packed with well developed characters and plot twists that any comment may give away too much information.

There are 2 things that keep me from saying this is a perfect book -- 1. Revenge is the driving force of the story and at times overpowers the relationship between the h/h. It also leaves me questioning whether or not I even like the hero. But, then the heroine is so different, so intelligent, so practical and on one level accepting of her lot in life and yet is constantly trying to improve herself and her life, that I'm left not really caring whether or not I like the hero, because she has become my heroine. 2. The ending is rushed and the epilogue isn't needed, and to be honest a little sappy, and I would have rather been left to my own imagination.

If you're looking for a dark, gothic styled, sophisticated romance, with well developed characters and interesting story--try this one.

I'm done gushing--LOL.

Have a great day, and happy reading.


erika said...

Hey Tara Marie, I almost bought this book(I like gothics) but didn't due to AAR's review. There's also a post on the RT message Board.
I noticed that whenever the word ADULT is used to describe a romance- mainly historical- that it means the heroine is pushing the envelope in terms of sexual experience and/or age. And I admit that description of a romance is annoying. I mean, are there adult romances and child romances? Anyway, I take that word as an clue to avoid buying a romance described that way. I'm not a big fan of heroines who push the experence envelope. Unless ofcourse it's an autobuy author and the excerpt is very intriguing ;)
Woo! Longish post.

Sam said...

Thanks for the head's up - it sounds like a fascinating book. I loved Daughter of the Game (and I just blanked out on the author's name - Tracy something - and the other books she wrote as well. The time period is interesting the way she describes it, and her characters are wonderfully well drawn.

Tara Marie said...

Hi Erika, I hate to think my description is offensive in anyway, but this book doesn't have a typical heroine, her life experiences have so much to do with her childhood that in turn affect her choices as an adult. She is from the "rookery" and has a different mindset from most "ton" born heroines.

Sam--I'm going to look for Daughter of the Game.

erika said...

No no, I your description was fine but I've noticed this year the words 'adult romance' used in romance reviews recently.
By the way, this book seems similar to Jo Goodman's A Season to Be Sinful- this book isn't a gothic though.
And Tracy Grant is the author of Daughter of the Game. This auhor seems to be quite popular at AAR.