Thursday, July 21

A Few Questions

What is the likelihood that a 75 year old man from Georgia, would hit a black bear while riding a motorcycle in upstate New York? Happened yesterday, my husband sat in the traffic jam it caused for about an hour on his way to work. The motorcylce rider is fine, the bike was totalled and the poor bear died at the scene.

How is it possible to have 60+ books on a TBR pile and not have anything to read? Absolutely nothing is holding my interest right now--I hate that.

I wonder what can possibly be going through a man's mind when he tells his son "As long as you don't touch anything, you don't have to wash your hands after peeing"? The strange thing is my husband is fastidious about things like this, and is completely grossed out by men who don't wash their hands when they use a public bathroom. He leaves the seat up each morning for our son so he can go into the bathroom without touching anything.

And, does anyone know how long it takes to re-train a 3 year old to wash his hands after peeing? I've been working on this one for weeks. New rule in our house--if you go into the bathroom you wash your hands. "But, Daddy said..." is the last thing I want to hear these days.


Anonymous said...

Just wait until you have to convince your son that the entire outdoors is not his bathroom....

Tara Marie said...

My brother was famous for using a tree--he'd call time out during any game to go. Mom was never amused--LOL.

Kristie (J) said...

I go through that reading slump too, when nothing appeals to you at all. It's just the worst feeling isn't it?