Tuesday, August 8

Go to authors...

I was reading reviews over on Rosario's blog, doesn't Rosario write great reviews? And found one for Jayne Castle's (aka Jayne Ann Krentz) Ghost Hunter. I haven't read JAK in years, I got tired of the sameness of her stories. But I love how Rosario describes how to enjoy a comfort read:

Then put on your pajamas, make some hot chocolate (or iced tea, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere), and curl up with it in bed.

This is how I read Linda Howard and Nora Roberts and *Susan Elizabeth Philips*. If you've been reading this blog for any length of time you know I'm a Linda Howard Fangirl, but I've always been a closet Nora reader. NO more, I'm out and a proud Nora reader. So many people don't like or wont even try her books because she's the "Queen". Well, you know what? Those people are truly missing some great books. CW has made a great starter list of Nora recs. These should be required reading for any serious romance reader, at least I think so.

Sorry, I digressed. Comfort, curl up in bed reads. Who's your go to author?

*edited to add SEP* All three write books I read in one sitting, curled up in bed or on the couch. When I'm reading their books, I want to be left alone until I'm done, don't bug me about dinner, housework, any other mundane job that needs doing, because I'm going to ignore you.


Anonymous said...

Two comments:

1 - I've never read Nora. Not because I'm snubbing her. But because I'm afraid I'll like her and she has sooooo many books on her backlist. Unfortunately for me, my husband has become a fan so I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

2 - My comfort reads used to be Julie Garwood. I owned every historical ever written by her in paperback and I thoroughly enjoyed getting lost in her books when I needed something quick, easy, just plain fun. But in a moment of snobbery I took them all to the UBS for better historical fiction. Which, admittedly, I do like more than her stuff. But now what to do when I'm in "a mood"? Julia Quinn, maybe????


Dev said...

My "go to" authors would probably have to be Julia Quinn or Sherrilyn Kenyon, or Janet Evanovich. I seriously turn off my phone, turn on the music and read until I'm finished.

What a pickle I was in in June when all three of them had new books coming out. I guess there's worse problems to have...........

Anonymous said...

Well, mine seems to be much the same as yours with the exception of SEP, whom I have never read. I would also add to my list Judith McNaught, Karen Robards, and early Lorraine Heath...with a disclaimer that even my favorites (yes, even NR, have written books I didn't care for). But, the above list is my romance genre "tried and true".

Upon further reflection, maybe JM, KR, and Heath are more of my comfort re-reads, as their newer books aren't as appealing to me.

Note to Jenster:

Reading NR is like organizing your house...if you look at it as a whole, you're going to be overwhelmed. Ya jus' gotta jump in there and start one drawer at a time! I am content with the idea that I will probably never read all of her books, but she is one of my most consistently enjoyable and readable authors.


Anonymous said...

I know you're right, TAFKA. I just have to be doubly sure that I'm picking up a single title and not a series to begin with. Start with the little drawer and move my way up to the entire closet, right?? lol


Rosario said...

Aww, thanks for that, Tara!

For me, it's JAK (obviously), and like you, Nora and SEP. And it used to be Barbara Michaels / Elizabeth Peters, but I haven't been buying her latest. Hers is an example of a series that has gone on for much too long, IMO.

Tara Marie said...

Jenster, what was the first Nora book that your husband read? I'm thinking about giving mine Northern Lights. Garwood was a comfort read years ago, but I've not reread anything in quite a while.

Devonna, I still enjoy reading JQ, but not as faithfully as I did in the past.

Tafka, comfort re-reads, that would make a great post--Hmmm.

Rosario, it's funny, I almost never reread SEP, with the exception of Nobody's Baby But Mine, but I love that original read, when the book is new.

Anonymous said...

Tara - Northern Lights was my hubby's first NR book. He also likes the JD Robb books.


Wendy said...

My go-to authors are Cheryl St. John, Maggie Osborne and Cheryl Reavis. Also a marginal vote for Laura Lee Guhrke - although I keep putting off trying her Avon books because I'm scared she's been replaced by a pod person....

CindyS said...

I used to read Nora Roberts and loved them - the last book of hers I read was Honest Illusions and it was emotionally painful. I mean, I was sobbing and I don't cry!! So I shyed away from her because I was looking for more Garwood and less drama. Then when I figured I was ready to step back in there was an 8 ft section of books by her. I remember having to have my bookstore order her books because they didn't stock them. Now, I can't escape them and since it's been so long and I have a bad memory for the series book I can't remember where I left off.

I do have the Born In series in TBR pile and I just bought her latest one. I'm more than ready to fall in love again - especially with an author with an extensive back list!!

Go-to authors - Anne Stuart (surprise!), Suzanne Brockmann, used to by Garwood but I out grew her and honestly, I can't think of anyone else right now.


PS I never knew that Roberts had a bad rep - there is another author I can't remember right now that I have never considered a romance writer. I don't think she does either ;) Dang, what's her name!