Thursday, March 9

I have my son's stomach virus, kids are so much more resilient, he was a much better patient than I, what can I say I'm Wendy whiner. I don't really feel up to writing full reviews, so I'm only going to comment on the books I've read this month, but hadn't reviewed.

I finished Loretta Chase's Lord Perfect last night. It was a fun, light read. It falls somewhere between Miss Wonderful, which was pretty good, and Mr. Impossible, which was great. I'm assuming Darius will be the next book, but I'm half hoping to see a book for the parents, Lord and Lady Hargate.

My son saw LP on my nightstand wanted to know:

  1. What's wrong with that guy? He looks funny.
  2. Why was Cosmo Kramer on the cover of Mommy's book?

I'm going to start banning Seinfeld from our TV.

Lover Eternal was very good. There were a few things that bugged me..."My Brother" and all those letter characters leave my head spinning, but nothing was so irritating that I let it infringe on my enjoying the book. I hate to admit, most of the rap music references go completely over my head, though I did get the "Dream Weaver" reference--LOL.

I picked up Civil Affairs the last time I was in the UBS. I have no idea why it called to me from the Erotic Romance shelf. I'm relieved I bought it used and it only cost me a couple of dollars. The characters were young, 20 somethings, and to be completely honest their behavior was more like my 19 year old niece's and her boyfriend's. And, for an EC, the sex wasn't all that impressive. Winter Garden was a much more erotic book.

I'm one of those people who read everything in a book, the dedication, acknowledgments, the coming attractions, the ads, the bios, you get what I mean. I started reading Suzanne Brockman's Hot Target this morning and her dedication to her son made me cry. I'd actually given up on Brockman and this series, but this one came so highly recommended I thought I'd give it a try.

Have a good one and happy reading,



Megan Frampton said...


I hope you feel better. I've been lucky in escaping kid illness in 2006. And my son always wants me to READ my books to him. Not unless it's a traditional Regency, honey.

Nikki said...

I loved Hot Taret and the one after it is Breaking Point (Max and Gina's story) That has to be my favorite in the series.

I think your blog is awesome! I have been reading all the romance reader blogs for a while now and I am trying to start my own. I love your sidebar! How do you post photos to your sidebar? Do you change your template or flickr or is there another program I need?


ReneeW said...

*snort* Kramer? Hehe, what a crackup. I miss those funny observations that kids make. I enjoyed Hot Target. I'll agree with everyone else who liked the gay story better than the main storyline. Hope you're feeling better.

Tara Marie said...

Megan--This was the first time all year he's been really sick, and he didn't get it from school, he got it from his cousin. I thought I had avoided it, but no such luck.

Nikkismith--Thank you, I'm glad you like my blog, I am somewhat html challenged and wouldn't have a clue about flick r. I use Hello (Picasa) to upload pictures to the blog and then change my template by using copy and paste, I grasp the basics and run with them--LOL.

Anne--Much better this morning, not 100% but I'm taking Junior to school. I hope your son feels better soon.

Renee--I had a good laugh over the Kramer thing, and he was kind of right--LOL.

Bob & Muffintop said...

Hope you're better today!