Thursday, March 16

A pleasant surprise...

I've decided sometimes it's better to go into a book with absolutely no preconceptions. When I picked up Jaid Black's One Dark Night, I had heard no buzz, considering it's a 2004 release, that's not really surprising. I've never read any of her books, but knowing she's the publisher behind Ellora's Cave, I assumed it would be "hot"--it was.

I was pleasantly surprised by this romantic suspense, it was a quick read, read it while waiting for Junior to get out of school yesterday. I'm sure some of the other mothers think I'm rather strange. When I don't have errands to run, I sit out in the school parking lot and read for the 2 1/2 hours he's in school.

Getting back to the book--it was a good little RS, nice balance of suspense and relationship. By reading the blurb, I knew it would be a domination/submission book--not necessarily my thing, but I was curious. She did a good job explaining why a career woman, in a stressful job would be interested in being completely dominated by a man. Though not for me, it was entertaining. I have to admit, when the hero calls himself "Daddy" I cringed, but maybe this is typical of this type of relationship.

I wouldn't want a steady diet of this type of book, and it's not a keeper, but it was a pretty good book.

Have a good one and happy reading.



Sam said...

I've read a lot of jaid's work and she's a very smooth, easy read. Like her style of writing.
I can understand reading in the parking lot, lol.
But isn't there a coffee shop nearby? (now that would be luxery)

Tara Marie said...

Sam, there is a very nice bagel shop within walking distance, but I know too many people and get interupted too much. For someone who talks to perfect strangers, I can be incredibly anti-social when involved in a good book.

Nikki said...


I liked that book, too. The suspense was, well suspensful. After the "daddy" thing I almost put the book down and didn't finish but I am glad I didn't. Not a keeper for sure but if she publishes another in that format I would think about getting it.

I am always the first to school to pick up my son so I can have reading time. My daughter is sleeping in her car seat and I have a while to just enjoy!

I love your list of knowing that you are a book-aholic! I laughed and laughed. I will only buy a purse if it fits a thick paperback.

When I pack for a trip, the books are the first things I pack. I also look at my TBR pile and pick books that go with the location of my travel. Last year, we went to Seattle and brought three books that take place in that city. My husband just rolls his eyes at me. He doesn't understand!

Wherever, I go I always have extra books in my car just in case there is a natural disaster and I can't get home for a while. I think I have water in my trunk too, but I'm not sure! LOL!


Wendy said...

I had a mixed reaction to this one. I really enjoyed the suspense angle and how Black portrayed the D/s lifestyle (for lack of a better word) - but the romance just didn't work for me. The couple's verbal sparing sounded childish to my ears, and the hero had a tendency to slip into Neanderthal mode. I think I ended up rating this one around a C+. Not great, but I certainly would read Black again.....

Tara Marie said...

Nikki--Have book will travel. I love the time while waiting--get lots of reading done.

Wendy--I agree with you about the dialogue and the neanderthal thing, but I thought that went hand and hand with the D/S stuff. If I were giving it a grade, I'd say B-, so we were pretty close.